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Server DELL PowerEdge 750xs preconfigurat pentru 100 de noduri Ethernity CLOUD + ETNY BASE STAKE

Pret fara TVA: 127.999 Lei

Price without VAT: 25.599 Eur


Serverul DELL PowerEdge 750xs este un server nou, fabricat in 2023, echipat cu seria a 3-a de procesoare Intel Xeon Scalabile, compatibile cu tehnologia SGX/SGX2.

Server DELL 750xs (12 x 3.5" chassis)
2 x Procesor Intel Xeon GOLD 5320 (3rd Generation Intel Xeon Scalable Processors, 26 core, 2.2 Ghz Base Frequency up to 3.4 Ghz Max TurboFrequency, 39MB Cache, TDP 185W)
Memorie DELL 512GB DDR4 3200 Mhz
2 x SSD 480GB Sata DELL Enterpise Edition
2 x HDD Seagate Server Edition 16TB 3.5" 7200RPM 256MB cache
Placa de retea Dual 10G RJ45 Connector
2 x Sursa DELL 800W (redundant)
5 x Standard Fan
iDRAC9 Enterprise 15G
Kit de montare in rack (2 side rails)

Serverul a fost desigilat si preconfigurat de specialistii nostri pentru a rula 100 de noduri Ethernity CLOUD in configuratia de baza pentru testnet, oferind posibilitatea operatorului pe viitor de a reconfigura numarul de noduri si performanta lor in functie de preferintele sale, pe parcursul testnet-ului sau chair si dupa lansarea mainnet-ului.

Cele 100 de noduri Ethernity CLOUD au fost instalate si preconfigurate cu adreese de test de forma:


Operatorii trebuie sa schimbe adresele de test cu noile adrese (cate 2 adrese noi pentru fiecare nod care sa nu contina tokeni ETNY) pentru a putea fi singurii care au acces la cheile private si pentru a putea folosi imediat nodurile in ecosistem si pentru Staking dApp.

Noi, DATABASE PRO SRL, suntem parteneri autorizati DELL - "DELL TECHNOLOGIES AUTHORIZED SOLUTION PROVIDER PARTNER" si oferim garantie pentru Serverul DELL 36 de luni de la data achizitiei.

Achizitionand aceasta varianta de server cu 100 noduri Ethernity CLOUD + ETNY BASE STAKE va ofera posibilitatea de a primi 100 coduri de activare pentru fiecare nod in parte a BASE STAKE in valoare de 1976 de tokeni pentru a putea participa in programul de staking si a accepta apoi extended stake de pana la 73.024 de tokeni. Dupa constituirea EXTENDED STAKE veti primi 100% reward pentru BASE STAKE si, in functie de procentul agreat cu staker-ul care deleaga EXTENDED STAKE, un procent intre 5% si 100% din EXTENDED STAKE

Activarea BASE STAKE in baza codurilor primite odata cu achizitionarea serverului se va putea face numai dupa ce veti face KYC pe platforma HAP (https://hap.ethernity.cloud/) si numai dupa minim 30 de zile de la data schimbarii adreselor / wallet-urilor celor 100 noduri. (nodurile trebuie sa fie online / active si sa realizeze tranzactii cu succes o perioada de minim 30 de zile)

Mai jos, detaliem in limba engleza procesul de schimbare a adreselor / wallet, proces care trebuie repetat pentru fiecare nod in parte:

Commands to change wallets
You need 2 wallets (accounts) for each Node.
Create 2 new accounts. Each account has a public address and a private key, you will need them both.
Metamask private key you can find under settings—security. Do not use the account where you have your ETNY.

You need to supply your wallets addresses (both of them: ADDRESS and RESULT_ADDRESS) which you intend to use for the node with bergs from https://faucet.bloxberg.org/paste your wallet address, complete captcha and press request bergs.

Enter command :
cd mvp-pox-node

To get the latest update enter next command :
sudo git pull

To edit config file type sudo nano config , replace the first wallet adress(ADDRESS=) with your public adress from the first wallet, replace the second adress (PRIVATE_KEY=) with your private key from the first wallet. Do the same for the Result wallet. After you replace wallets , select all 4 rows (only select all with mouse, no need to click, selecting them will copy in clipboard) and paste them on a document on your pc/laptop. CTRL + X to exit, y to save the changes , enter to leave the name unchanged.(you delete by using the arrows to move the cursor , backspace to delete, and mouse right click to paste copied text)
To deploy the node use following commands : (it will ask for your password after this command, depending on your internet connection it can take 20 minutes - up to 30 minutes for the deploy)

sudo systemctl stop etny-vagrant

sudo ./etny-node-installer.sh

Wait a bit .... When finished should look like this. "Ethernity NODE installation successful"

Your instalation is now complete.

For monitoring the node use the following command

sudo systemctl status etny-vagrant

To stop monitoring use ctrl z shortcut

Search for your node wallet adress (the fisrt wallet adress) on : https://blockexplorer.bloxberg.org/ for contract calls.

For more information about Ethernity CLOUD visit the Official Site
For any questions regarding Ethernity CLOUD ecosystem and staking dApp you can refer to the official Telegram and Discord channels
Discord: https://discord.gg/KzAbEfPw
Telegram RO: https://t.me/EthernityCLOUD_RO
Telegram INT: https://t.me/ethernitycloud

Useful links:

Ecosistemul EC: https://ethernity.cloud/
Staking dApp: https://staking.ethernity.cloud/
Etherneals NFT: https://ethernity.cloud/#nft
Platforma HAP: https://hap.ethernity.cloud/
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